It's time for ironworks!

As you can probably see.
I've actually been moving through Marleybone pretty fast. And krokotopia, and wizard city. I think it's a better strategy to do the side quests first, all of them that you can find, and then go to the main quest.
My death beat the game at level 48. It was really hard for me to get her to grand because I didn't do my side quests first.
Well it wasn't really hard it was just long and boring.
So I think I'm at a good level, I'm level 31 exactly half way to 32 going into Ironworks.
I'm not sure how my storm got through the game. For my death, I had my storm grand giving me gear. My balance has storm and death grands helping her with everything.
Though it's true, if you knew me back in the days of my storm (like, 2 years ago) I took an extremely long time with Krokotopia, Wizard city, and Marleybone.
But if you have more than one character you'll understand that the more you go through the game, the faster it gets.
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